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Under The Weather Pet: The Best Bland Food, Supplements and Wellness Products for Dogs, Cats and Puppies

Under the Weather® Pet offers the world's best ingredients, perfectly formulated to keep your dog or cat happy and healthy. With Under the Weather® Bland Diets for pets, you can easily feed your sick adult dog, cat or puppy high-quality cooked rice and premium meats whenever you need to give them a bland diet to calm their digestion.

We also provide premium wellness products such as calming chews, high calorie gels, digestion, health and wellness products for  adult dogs, puppies and cats that are easy to use and made with the highest quality ingredients. We are carried in most major retail stores and pet stores across the country. We love all animals especially our dog and cat furry friends!


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Bland Food & Digestive health products. Improve health & well-being. Chicken & Rice and more!



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Blog Posts are Below:

Navigating IVDD in Dogs: Supplements and Care Tips

Intervertebral Disc Disease, aka IVDD is a condition that affects a significant number of dogs, particularly certain breeds like Dachshunds, Beagles, and Shih Tzus. IVDD occurs when the cushioning discs between the vertebrae of the spinal column either herniate or degenerate, leading to pain, nerve damage, and in severe cases, paralysis. Recognizing the early signs of IVDD, which include reluctance to jump, back pain, difficulty walking, and in more severe cases, paralysis or semi-paralysis of the rear limbs, is crucial for prompt and effective treatment.  IVDD in Dogs Supplements

The Role of Nutrition in Managing IVDD

Nutrition plays a key role in the management and prevention of IVDD. A balanced diet that maintains a healthy weight is critical, as obesity can exacerbate the symptoms of IVDD by increasing the stress on the spine. Foods rich in anti-inflammatory agents such as omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation around the spinal cord. Antioxidants, found in fruits and vegetables, can also support overall spine health by combating oxidative stress.

Supplements for IVDD Support

In addition to a balanced diet, certain supplements can be beneficial for dogs with IVDD. These include:
  • Glucosamine and Chondroitin: These compounds are often used to support joint and spinal health. They can help in maintaining the integrity of the discs and cartilage in the spine.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can be particularly beneficial in reducing inflammation associated with IVDD.
  • Vitamin E and Vitamin C: As antioxidants, these vitamins help in reducing oxidative stress and support overall spinal health.
  • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane): This is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent, which can be helpful in managing the pain associated with IVDD.

Exercise and Physical Therapy

Moderate, controlled exercise is beneficial for dogs with IVDD. It helps in maintaining a healthy weight and supports overall muscular strength, which is important for spinal support. Physical therapy, including swimming and specific exercises recommended by a veterinarian or a canine physiotherapist, can be incredibly beneficial to your dog by improving mobility and reducing discomfort. best supplements for dogs with IVDD

Creating a Supportive Environment

Creating a supportive environment at home is vital for dogs with IVDD. This includes providing a comfortable and supportive bed, avoiding slippery floors, and using ramps or steps to help your dog get on and off furniture or into a car, which can prevent further injury.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are crucial for managing IVDD. A vet can provide guidance on the appropriate care, diet, and exercise regime, and monitor the progression of the condition. In some cases, medication or surgery may be necessary, and a veterinarian can advise on the best course of action.

IVDD in Dogs: Conclusion

Navigating IVDD in dogs requires a comprehensive approach that includes proper nutrition, appropriate supplements, regular exercise, and creating a supportive environment at home. Understanding the condition and working closely with a veterinarian can help manage the symptoms of IVDD, improve the quality of life for your dog, and in many cases, prevent the condition from worsening. With the right care and attention, many dogs with IVDD continue to lead happy, fulfilling lives. Under The Weather Pet ® 1 Tigan Street Winooski, VT 05404 Store Locator

All About Cats with Pancreatitis and How We Can Help Them

How can you manage cats suffering from Pancreatitis? Pancreatitis is a condition characterized by the inflammation of the pancreas, is a health issue that can significantly impact a cat’s well-being and quality of life. This condition can be acute or chronic and requires careful attention and management.

Cats with Pancreatitis

Recognizing the Signs

Symptoms of pancreatitis in cats can be subtle and may include loss of appetite, lethargy, dehydration, abdominal pain, and in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea. These signs are often non-specific, making pancreatitis a challenging condition to diagnose.


The exact cause is often difficult to pinpoint. Potential factors include trauma, infection, medications, and metabolic disorders. In many cases, pancreatitis occurs spontaneously without a known cause.

Diagnosing Pancreatitis in Cats

Diagnosis typically involves a combination of clinical signs, blood tests, ultrasound, and sometimes more advanced imaging techniques. Early diagnosis is crucial for effective management and treatment.

Treatment Options

Treatment for pancreatitis in cats depends on the severity of the condition. It often includes fluid therapy, pain management, nutritional support, and in some cases, medications to control vomiting and nausea.

managing Cats with PancreatitisThe Role of Diet

Dietary management is critical in the treatment of pancreatitis. Cats with this condition often benefit from easily digestible, low-fat diets that are gentle on the pancreas. Proper nutrition can aid in recovery and help manage symptoms.

Supportive Care for Cats with Pancreatitis

Supportive care is essential for cats with pancreatitis. This includes ensuring they have a quiet and comfortable place to rest, monitoring hydration levels, and providing regular, small meals once they are able to eat.

Natural Supplements and Their Benefits

Natural supplements, such as those containing omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and certain herbal extracts, can support pancreatic health. These supplements can help reduce inflammation and support the overall health of the cat.

Under The Weather Pet® Products for Cats with Pancreatitis

At Under The Weather Pet®, we offer a range of products designed to support cats with pancreatitis. Our offerings include specially formulated diets and supplements that cater to the needs of cats with this condition.

Specialized Cat Food for Pancreatitis: These products are designed to be low in fat and highly digestible, perfect for cats with sensitive digestive systems.

Supplements for Pancreatic Support: Our supplements are formulated to provide additional nutritional support to cats with pancreatitis.

Conclusion: Compassionate Care for your Cats

Managing pancreatitis in cats requires a comprehensive approach that includes medical treatment, dietary management, and supportive care. By understanding the needs of cats with this condition, pet owners can play a crucial role in helping their feline friends lead comfortable and happy lives.

Discover how Under The Weather Pet® can help your cat with pancreatitis. Visit our website to explore our range of products designed for the special needs of cats with pancreatitis. Let us help you provide the best care for your feline friend.

Under The Weather Pet ®
1 Tigan Street
Winooski, VT 05404

Under the Weather Pet Products Store Locator

IVDD in Dachshunds: An Overview

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is particularly prevalent in Dachshunds due to their distinctive body shape, characterized by a long back and short legs. This breed is genetically predisposed to chondrodystrophy, a condition that leads to the development of abnormal cartilage and disc material. These abnormalities make the spinal discs more susceptible to premature degeneration and herniation, exerting pressure on the spinal cord and causing a range of symptoms from mild discomfort to severe neurological deficits. The unique physical structure of Dachshunds, while appealing, unfortunately places them at a higher risk for developing IVDD, making it a significant concern for breeders and owners alike.

dachshund IVDD dogs pets intervertebral disc disease medical treatment

Recognizing IVDD Symptoms in Dachshunds

Dachshunds with IVDD may exhibit a variety of symptoms, depending on the severity and location of the disc herniation. Early signs can be subtle, such as a decrease in activity, reluctance to jump, or yelping when picked up. As the condition progresses, more obvious signs may include a hunched back, muscle spasms, and visible discomfort or pain. In severe cases, IVDD can lead to partial or complete paralysis of the hind legs, loss of bladder and bowel control, and significant behavioral changes due to pain. The onset of symptoms can be sudden or gradual, and any changes in a Dachshund’s behavior or mobility should be promptly evaluated by a veterinarian to prevent further complications.

Managing IVDD in Dachshunds

The approach to managing IVDD in Dachshunds depends on the severity of the condition. Mild cases may be managed conservatively with rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and pain management, alongside controlled physical therapy to strengthen the back muscles without putting additional strain on the spine. Weight management is also crucial to reduce the load on the spine. For more severe cases, particularly those involving neurological impairment, surgical intervention may be necessary to remove the offending disc material and relieve pressure on the spinal cord. Post-operative care, including physical rehabilitation, is critical to help the Dachshund recover and regain mobility. Owners of Dachshunds should be particularly mindful of their pet’s activities and environments, avoiding situations that might exacerbate spinal stress, to mitigate the risks associated with IVDD.

Under the Weather Pet ® IVDD Supplements for Dogs

Bland Food for Pets: Supporting Digestive Health in Dogs and Cats

Bland food for pets, typically consisting of easily digestible ingredients like boiled chicken and rice, is designed to be gentle on the stomach. It provides essential nutrients without overwhelming your puppy, dog or cat’s digestive system, making it ideal for pets with gastrointestinal issues.
bland food for pets

Digestive Health in Pets

Digestive health is a critical component of overall well-being in dogs and cats. A healthy digestive system ensures proper nutrient absorption and plays a key role in immune function. When digestive issues arise, bland food for pets can be a pivotal tool in managing and resolving these problems.

Common Digestive Issues in Pets

Pets may experience various digestive problems, such as:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach

These issues can be caused by factors like:

  • Dietary indiscretions
  • Infections
  • Chronic conditions

Bland food helps soothe the digestive tract during these episodes.

Benefits of Bland Food for Dogs and Cats

Bland food offers several benefits for pets with digestive issues:

  • Gentle on the Stomach: It reduces irritation and inflammation in the digestive tract.
  • Easy to Digest: Simple ingredients allow for easier digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Helps Regulate Bowel Movements: It can normalize stool and reduce incidents of diarrhea or constipation.

Preparing Bland Food for Your Pet

When considering which bland food brand to use, it’s important to use plain, unseasoned chicken and thoroughly cooked white rice. The food should be cooled to room temperature before feeding and given in small, frequent portions.

should you feed you pet bland food diet

Transitioning Back to Regular Diet

After a period on a bland diet, gradually reintroduce your pet’s regular food. Start by mixing a small amount of their regular diet with the bland food, gradually increasing the proportion over several days to avoid upsetting their stomach.

Under The Weather Pet® Bland Diet Solutions

Under The Weather Pet® provides specially formulated bland diet products for dogs and cats. Our products are designed to support digestive health with high-quality, easily digestible ingredients.

Conclusion: Bland Food for Pets Will Help

Bland food plays an essential role in managing digestive issues in pets, offering a safe and effective way to support their recovery. By understanding its importance and proper use, pet owners can significantly contribute to their pet’s digestive health.

Explore our range of bland diet products at Under The Weather Pet® to support your pet’s digestive health. Our scientifically formulated meals are designed to provide gentle, nourishing care for your dog or cat. Visit us today for the best in pet digestive health solutions.

Under The Weather Pet ®
1 Tigan Street
Winooski, VT 05404

Under the Weather Pet Products Store Locator

Pet Calming Chews & Powders: Help Your Pet Cope with Anxiety

best pet calming chews & powders anxiety

Have you heard about pet calming chews & powders? How do they work and what are they used for?Anxiety in pets can manifest in various ways, from mild nervousness to severe stress reactions. It affects their quality of life and can lead to behavioral and health issues. Understanding how calming chews and powders work is crucial for pet owners seeking to alleviate their pets’ anxiety.

What are Pet Calming Chews and Powders?

Calming chews and powders are dietary supplements designed to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation in pets. They come in various formulations, including both hemp and non-hemp based products.

Active Ingredients in Calming Products

These products typically contain a blend of ingredients known for their calming effects. Common ingredients include:

  • L-Theanine: An amino acid found in green tea, known for promoting relaxation without drowsiness.
  • Chamomile and Valerian Root: Herbs with natural sedative properties.
  • Melatonin: A hormone that regulates sleep cycles and helps with anxiety and stress.

Hemp and CBD in Calming Products

Hemp-based calming products often contain CBD (cannabidiol), a compound derived from the hemp plant. CBD is known for its potential to reduce anxiety and stress in pets by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in mood regulation.

The Science Behind How These Ingredients Work

L-Theanine works by stimulating the production of alpha brain waves, promoting mental relaxation.

ChamomileValerian Root contain compounds that bind to brain receptors, reducing nervousness and inducing a calming effect.

Melatonin helps in regulating sleep-wake cycles, which can be disrupted by anxiety.

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system to help modulate mood and alleviate stress.

best products for pet anxiety calming

Hemp vs. Non-Hemp Calming Products

The main difference between hemp and non-hemp calming products lies in their active components and how they interact with the pet’s body.

Hemp-Based Products: Typically contain CBD, which works by interacting with the pet’s endocannabinoid system, potentially offering a broader range of benefits, including reducing inflammation and pain.

Non-Hemp Products: Rely on a blend of herbs, amino acids, and hormones to induce calmness without affecting the endocannabinoid system.

Choosing the Right Product for Your Pet

When selecting a calming product, consider your pet’s specific needs, any health conditions, and preferences for hemp or non-hemp ingredients. Consulting with a veterinarian is crucial, especially when considering products containing CBD.

Effectiveness and Safety

The effectiveness of calming chews and powders can vary depending on the pet and the severity of their anxiety. It’s important to choose high-quality products from reputable brands to ensure safety and efficacy.

Conclusion: Pet Calming Chews & Powders

Pet calming chews and powders, whether hemp-based or non-hemp, offer a valuable tool in the management of pet anxiety. Understanding the science behind these products can help pet owners make informed decisions about the best ways to support their anxious pets.

Try Under the Weather Pet® Products

Explore our range of calming chews and powders at Under The Weather Pet® to find the right solution for your pet’s anxiety. Our scientifically formulated pet calming products cater to different needs and preferences, ensuring that your pet receives the best possible care for their anxiety and stress.

Under The Weather Pet ®
1 Tigan Street
Winooski, VT 05404

Store Locator

French Bulldogs & Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)

What is the genetic predisposition of French Bulldogs to IVDD? French Bulldogs, with their compact build and charismatic appearances, carry a genetic predisposition that makes them more susceptible to Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). This breed, like other brachycephalic (short-faced) dogs, often has a genetic makeup that can lead to spinal abnormalities. These include malformed vertebrae or a predisposition to early degeneration of the intervertebral discs, which serve as cushions between the bones of the spine.

In French Bulldogs, these conditions can lead to an increased risk of the discs herniating or bursting into the spinal canal, pressing on the nerves and causing pain, mobility issues, or even paralysis. The breed’s popularity and selective breeding for certain physical traits have inadvertently perpetuated these genetic vulnerabilities, highlighting the need for responsible breeding practices.

Intervertebral Disc Disease IVDD french bulldogs

Identifying IVDD in French Bulldogs

The clinical presentation of IVDD in French Bulldogs can range from subtle signs of discomfort to severe neurological deficits. Early indicators might include a reluctance to engage in play, difficulty navigating stairs, or a general decrease in activity levels. French Bulldogs may also exhibit more pronounced signs such as back pain, which could be evidenced by vocalizations when touched, an unwillingness to move, or a hunched posture.

In advanced cases, signs of neurological impairment, such as dragging of the hind legs, inability to stand, or even complete paralysis, can occur. Due to their stoic nature, French Bulldogs might not always show clear signs of distress, making it crucial for owners to be observant and responsive to even minor changes in their pet’s behavior or mobility.

Tailored Approaches to Managing IVDD in French Bulldogs

french bulldogs and IVDD Intervertebral Disc Disease

Managing IVDD in French Bulldogs requires a careful and tailored approach, considering the breed’s specific needs and vulnerabilities. Conservative management, including strict rest, anti-inflammatory medications, supplements and pain management, may suffice for mild cases, helping to reduce inflammation and pain. Given the breed’s structure and predisposition to obesity, weight management is crucial to minimize additional stress on the spine. In more severe cases, where significant neurological deficits are present, surgical intervention may be necessary to relieve pressure on the spinal cord.

Post-operative care and rehabilitation, including physical therapy and controlled exercise, are vital to support recovery and prevent future episodes. Additionally, environmental modifications, such as using ramps to access furniture and avoiding activities that involve jumping or rough play, can help manage the condition and improve the quality of life for French Bulldogs with IVDD.

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Understanding Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in Dogs and How Supplements Can Help

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is a common condition in dogs, especially French Bulldogs, Dauchunds, Basset Hounds, & Corgi’s, that can lead to pain, reduced mobility, and in severe cases, paralysis.  Given the significant impact IVDD can have on a dog’s quality of life, many pet owners seek out a variety of treatment options to support their pets. The American College of Veterinary Surgeons reports that IVDD affects about 2% of the canine population annually (Peterson, 2024). Understanding this condition is essential for effective management and care.

Intervertebral Disc Disease IVDD in Dogs Corgi

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in Dogs

The Basics of IVDD

IVDD occurs when the cushioning discs between the vertebrae of the spinal column either bulge or burst into the spinal cord space. This can cause pain, nerve damage, and even paralysis. Early detection and proper management are crucial in dealing with this condition.

Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in dogs can vary in severity and presentation, often depending on the location and extent of the disc herniation. Initially, a dog may exhibit subtle changes such as reluctance to jump, climb stairs, or engage in activities they previously enjoyed.

As the condition progresses, more pronounced symptoms can emerge, including noticeable back pain, which may manifest as vocalization when touched or moved, a hunched back, or tense abdominal muscles. Neurological symptoms can also appear, ranging from mild unsteadiness and incoordination (ataxia) to more severe impairments like partial or complete paralysis in the limbs. In some cases, dogs may experience a loss of bladder and bowel control.

These symptoms can develop suddenly or gradually over time, and any sudden or severe changes in a dog’s behavior, mobility, or bodily functions should prompt immediate veterinary attention to properly diagnose and manage the condition.

The Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine emphasizes the importance of recognizing these symptoms early for better outcomes (Taylor, 2023).

Role & Effectiveness of Supplements in Managing IVDD

Supplements have become increasingly popular as a complementary approach to traditional medical treatments for IVDD. Ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and omega-3 fatty acids are commonly found in these supplements and are touted for their anti-inflammatory and joint-supporting benefits. While these supplements are not a cure for IVDD, they can potentially alleviate some symptoms by promoting joint health and reducing inflammation, thereby improving the overall well-being of dogs affected by this condition.

However, the effectiveness of these supplements can vary widely and is heavily dependent on factors such as the severity of the disease, the specific formulation of the supplement, and the individual dog’s response to the supplement. Scientific studies on the efficacy of supplements for IVDD in dogs are limited, and results can be mixed.

Veterinary opinions also vary, with some professionals recommending supplements as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, while others caution against over-reliance on them due to the lack of conclusive evidence. It’s crucial for pet owners to consult with their veterinarians to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for their dog’s specific case of IVDD. This collaborative approach ensures that supplements, if used, are part of a broader, individualized care strategy that may also include medications, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery.

A study in the Veterinary Journal found that supplements could significantly reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life for pets with IVDD (Harrison, 2023). These supplements aid in the repair of damaged tissue and provide essential nutrients to the spine.

Choosing the Right Supplements for Your Pet with Intervertebral Disc Disease

When selecting supplements for IVDD, consider the following:

  • Quality Ingredients: Look for high-quality, proven ingredients.
  • Formulation for Pets: Ensure the supplement is specifically formulated for pets.
  • Veterinarian Recommended: Consult with your veterinarian for the best options.

Intervertebral Disc Disease IVDD in Dogs basset Hound

Under The Weather Pet ® Supplements

Under The Weather Pet ® offers supplement products specifically designed to support pets with Intervertebral Disc Disease. Our products are formulated based on scientific research to ensure they provide the maximum benefit.

Conclusion: Support Your Pet’s Spinal Health

Understanding Intervertebral Disc Disease IVDD in Dogs and incorporating the right supplements into your pet’s care routine can significantly enhance their quality of life. Supplements are a valuable tool in managing this condition and ensuring the overall well-being of your pet.

Discover the range of IVDD supplements at Under The Weather Pet®. Our scientifically formulated products are designed to support your pet’s spinal health and mobility. Visit our website to find the best solution for your pet’s needs.

Under The Weather Pet ®
1 Tigan Street
Winooski, VT 05404

Store Locator


Peterson, J. (2024). ‘IVDD in Dogs: Prevalence and Treatment Options’. American College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Taylor, H. (2023). ‘Early Detection and Management of IVDD in Pets’. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
Harrison, G. (2023). ‘The Role of Nutritional Supplements in Managing IVDD’. The Veterinary Journal.


Chicken and Rice for Dogs: A Bland Diet for Sensitive Stomachs

Is chicken and rice a suitable bland diet for dogs with sensitive stomachs? Digestive issues are among the most common health concerns in dogs. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, nearly 25% of dogs visit the veterinarian each year due to digestive problems (Anderson, 2024). A proper diet is crucial for managing these issues.

Chicken and Rice for Dogs Best Bland diet food

Why Digestive Issues Occur in Pets

Pets may experience digestive issues due to various reasons, including food allergies, infections, and chronic diseases. The Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology indicates that diet plays a pivotal role in managing these conditions (Brown, 2023).

The Benefits of Chicken and Rice for Dogs

Chicken and rice is a go-to recommendation for dogs with sensitive stomachs. This combination provides a balance of essential nutrients, is easy to digest, and has a low risk of causing irritation. It’s particularly beneficial for recovering from gastrointestinal upset.

How Chicken and Rice Aid Digestive Health

Chicken is a great source of lean protein, vital for tissue repair and muscle growth, while rice is a gentle carbohydrate that’s easy on the stomach. This combination helps regulate bowel movements and provides a soothing effect on the digestive system.

Studies, such as one published in the Veterinary Medicine Journal (Martin, 2023), have shown that a diet of chicken and rice significantly reduces symptoms of gastrointestinal distress in pets. Veterinarians often recommend this diet for its simplicity and effectiveness.

Under The Weather Pet® Chicken and Rice Bland Diet Food

Chicken and rice is an excellent dietary choice for pets with sensitive stomachs. By providing a simple, nutritious meal, you can help alleviate digestive issues and promote overall health. Under The Weather Pet ® provides chicken and rice and other bland diet food specifically formulated for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Our products are made with high-quality, easily digestible ingredients, ensuring your buddy gets the best nutrition without upsetting their stomach.

Chicken and Rice Meal for Dogs: A gentle, nutritious meal option for dogs.

Try Under The Weather Pet Products Today

Explore our range of chicken and rice products for pets at Under The Weather Pet ®. Give your dog the gift of good health with our specially formulated meals. Visit us now to find the perfect solution for your pet’s sensitive stomach.


Anderson, L. (2024). ‘Pet Digestive Health: Trends and Statistics’. American Veterinary Medical Association.
Brown, J. (2023). ‘Dietary Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases in Pets’. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology.
Martin, R. (2023). ‘Effectiveness of Chicken and Rice Diet in Managing Canine Gastrointestinal Disorders’. Veterinary Medicine Journal.

How Calming Chews Can Ease Pet Anxiety

Pet anxiety is a prevalent issue among domestic animals, often triggered by factors such as separation from owners, loud noises (like thunderstorms or fireworks), changes in environment, or past traumas. According to a study in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately 20-40% of dogs suffer from some form of anxiety (Schwartz, 2023). Common signs of anxiety in pets include excessive barking, restlessness, destructive behavior, and physical symptoms like shaking or loss of appetite.

Pet Anxiety Best Calming Chews Dogs

Treating pet anxiety typically involves a combination of approaches. Behavioral therapies, such as desensitization and counterconditioning, are often effective. In some cases, veterinarians may prescribe medications to help manage anxiety symptoms. Additionally, natural remedies, like pheromone diffusers or calming supplements (which might include ingredients like chamomile, L-theanine, or CBD), have gained popularity for their ability to soothe and relax pets without the need for pharmaceuticals. Creating a stable, nurturing environment and maintaining a consistent routine are also crucial in helping alleviate anxiety in pets.

The Science Behind Pet Anxiety

Anxiety in pets can be triggered by various factors, including separation from owners, loud noises, and changes in environment. The American Journal of Veterinary Research suggests that genetics, past trauma, and lack of socialization also play roles in the development of anxiety in pets (Miller, 2022).

What are Calming Chews?

CPet Anxiety Best Calming Chews Catsalming chews are dietary supplements designed to help alleviate anxiety in pets. These chews typically contain natural ingredients such as chamomile, L-theanine, and melatonin, which are known for their calming effects. Other types use CBD derived from medical hemp as the active ingredient. Read more about CBD and pets here.

Effectiveness of Calming Chews in Managing Pet Anxiety

A study in the Veterinary Record found that over 70% of pet owners reported a noticeable improvement in their pets’ anxiety levels after using calming chews (Johnson, 2023). These chews work by influencing the neurotransmitters in the brain, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Choosing the Right Calming Chew for Your Pet

When selecting calming chews, it’s important to consider:

  • Ingredient Quality: Ensure the chews are made with high-quality, natural ingredients.
  • Pet-Specific Formulas: Choose products specifically formulated for dogs or cats.
  • Veterinarian Approval: Consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplement.

Under The Weather Pet® Calming Chews

Best Calming Chews for DogsUnder The Weather Pet® offers a range of calming chews designed to address pet anxiety effectively. Our calming chews and powders for dogs and cats are vet formulated with the best natural ingredients, providing a safe and effective solution for your pet’s anxiety. Read more about us here:

Pet Anxiety: Calming Chews May Help

Calming chews with and without CBD can be an invaluable tool in managing pet anxiety, offering a natural and effective solution to help calm anxious dogs and cats. Along with these supplements, providing a stable environment and regular exercise can further help in reducing stress in pets.

Discover the benefits of calming chews for your pets at Under The Weather Pet®. Enhance your pet’s well-being with our scientifically-backed calming solutions. Visit our website to explore our range of products tailored for your pet’s needs.

Under The Weather Pet
1 Tigan Street, Suite 101
Winooski, VT05404

Schwartz, S. (2023). ‘Understanding and Managing Canine Anxiety’. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Miller, P. (2022). ‘Factors Contributing to Anxiety Disorders in Pets’. American Journal of Veterinary Research.
Johnson, K. (2023). ‘The Efficacy of Calming Supplements in Pets’. Veterinary Record.

Under The Weather Pets: Our Story

under the weather pet food for sick pets-Kyla SUnder the Weather® was inspired by our founder’s dog, Ruffy, a Wheaten Terrier. In the summer of 2012, Ruffy had stomach issues and made quite the mess of the house! A quick trip to the vet, and they were on their way home with antibiotics and instructions to cook white rice and white meat chicken. Kyla (our founder) had a meeting that afternoon and was very tight on time, but she wanted to prepare the food for Ruffy because she hadn’t eaten in two days.

The day was a hot one. Almost 90 degrees. Kyla couldn’t go to the grocery store with Ruffy because it was far too hot to leave her in the car! She needed to drive all the way home, drop Ruffy off, and go to the store so she could buy and cook the recipe.

It was at that moment Kyla thought, why don’t vets and pet stores sell a bland diet product? Now, with Under the Weather® Bland Diets, you can easily serve your sick dog high-quality cooked rice and premium meats whenever you need to give them a bland diet to calm their digestion.

Now, we have expanded beyond Bland Diets. We are focused on providing premium wellness products for both dogs and cats that are easy to use, convenient and made with the highest quality ingredients.

The Under the Weather Pet Team

Dog Bland Diet Products

Cat Health & Wellness Products

High-Calorie Gels for Pets: Boosting Weight Gain in a Healthy Way

High-Calorie Gels for Pets-dog puppy weight gainIn this blog, we will explore how high-calorie gels (and powders) can be an effective solution for healthy weight gain in pets. In the world of pet health, maintaining an optimal weight is as crucial for our feline and canine friends as it is for humans. However, certain situations like recovery from illness, underlying health issues, or even age-related changes can lead to weight loss in pets.

Understanding the Need for Weight Gain in Pets

Weight loss in pets can be a concerning sign, often linked to health issues such as malnutrition, digestive problems, or chronic diseases. A study published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine found that underweight pets could experience a range of health issues, including weakened immune systems and decreased muscle strength (Smith, 2018).

The Role of High-Calorie Gels in Pet Nutrition

High-calorie gels are designed to provide a concentrated source of calories and nutrients in a palatable and easy-to-consume form. These gels are enriched with vitamins, minerals, and fats, essential for the healthy weight gain of pets. They are particularly beneficial for dogs, puppies and cats who are finicky eaters, have lost their appetite, or need extra nutrition.

How High-Calorie Gels Work

These gels work by delivering a high concentration of calories and nutrients in a small volume, making it easier for pets to consume a significant amount of energy without eating a large quantity of food. This is especially helpful for pets with decreased appetite.

The Safety and Efficacy of High-Calorie Gels

When it comes to the safety and effectiveness of these gels, it’s essential to choose products from reputable brands. A study in The Veterinary Journal highlighted the importance of balanced nutrition in dietary supplements for pets, emphasizing that the quality of ingredients plays a crucial role in the overall health benefits (Johnson, 2020).

Choosing the Right High-Calorie Gel for Your Pet

High-Calorie Gels for Pets-cats kittens weight gainWhen selecting a high-calorie gel, consider the following factors:

  • Ingredients: Look for natural and high-quality ingredients.
  • Nutrient Balance: Ensure the gel provides a balanced blend of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  • Palatability: Choose a flavor that your pet will enjoy.
  • Veterinarian Recommended: Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplement.

Success Stories

Many pet owners have reported positive results after using high-calorie gels. For instance, a pet owner in California noted that their senior dog regained healthy weight and energy levels after using a high-calorie gel supplement for three months (Personal Communication, 2023).

Under The Weather Pet ® High-Calorie Gels

Best high calorie gel supplement for Dogs and puppies weight gainUnder The Weather Pet ® offers a range of high-calorie gels tailored for dogs, cats, and puppies. Our products are made in the USA with the highest quality ingredients, ensuring that your pet not only gains weight but also maintains overall health and vitality.

Dog, Puppy & Cat Weight Gain Gel Products

High-Calorie Gels for Pets: Conclusion

High-calorie gels can be a lifesaver for pets needing extra nutrition to gain weight healthily. With the right product and proper veterinary guidance, these supplements can significantly improve the health and well-being of underweight pets.

Explore our range of high-calorie gels and other health supplements for your beloved pets at Under The Weather Pet®. Ensure your pet’s health and happiness with our scientifically formulated products. Visit us today to find the perfect solution for your pet’s nutritional needs.

Under The Weather Pet
1 Tigan Street, Suite 101
Winooski, VT05404

Smith, J. (2018). ‘The Impact of Weight Loss on Pet Health’. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
Johnson, L. (2020). ‘Nutritional Supplements in Veterinary Medicine’. The Veterinary Journal.

Under The Weather ®
1 Tigan Street, Suite 101

Winooski, VT 05404

Based on 65 reviews
Our dog just had some major surgery and is down to one kidney and some colon damage. Over the last week he is refusing to eat and giving him his meds is traumatizing to all of us. But, we found an option that is working. We bought turkey dogs, hollow out the middle, fill with pills and some of the Under the Weather supplement paste, and he is taking his meds with much less force. Right now he is still barely eating and if he does it just plain bites of boiled chicken breast. Hoping after some healing time, he will move to the bland diet and eat more... small steps! The supplement paste has been a life saver!
Heather Roberts
Heather Roberts
I bought GO TIME! based on the ingredients and my dogs love them but more importantly, it works!
Sean Hyatt
Sean Hyatt
My puppy Yuzu has a tender stomach and is a tad picky with her food. UTWP is something that makes her belly feel good + she actually enjoys the food. Highly recommend!
Krae Wind
Krae Wind
Incredible product! Helped out our Boxer when she wasn’t feeling well after puking. She normally only eats raw wild meat & she got into some stuff that upset her & my pet store that I shop at highly recommended under the weather mix! Worked like a charm! Definitely going to keep some on hand in the house on a regular basis now! There are other options to pick from. This product is a must buy!!!
Amber Davidowich
Amber Davidowich
Using the hairball remedy for my cats, seems to be helping. A lot less coughing & hairball puke piles :)
Nicole Rouille
Nicole Rouille
I can’t say enough positives about this product. Our 8 month old doodle stopped eating and gaining weight. Just a teaspoon of this gel in her kibble and she devours her food! We have went through a dozen different puppy foods including the science diet prescription from our vet and she turned up her nose. She is meeting me at her bowl to eat!
Becky Moore
Becky Moore
I found UnderTheWeather when my puppy first arrived last May, 2020. She was only 2 months old. I have used the products since the beginning of her precious life. She thinks her probiotics are treats! The electrolytes are a staple and I mix up the variety of tastes. On all levels the products are top notch for a top notch pet day!!!
Nancy Ann DeSandolo
Nancy Ann DeSandolo
